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Occupational Therapy
Get professional support from qualified occupational therapists.

If you suspect or are diagnosed with ADHD, SPD (Sensory Processing Difficulties), Autism, Dementia or related sensory processing challenges then the Profile Tool is made for you. Discover how your senses impact your life and some tips to help.
Get professional support from qualified occupational therapists.
Welcome to Sensooli. Find award-winning sensory products and support resources.
The Pride Discovery Box is designed to help you uncover
Extremely robust chew, the gem pendant has a magnificently soothing
Types of OCD. There is a common misconception that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is when someone has excessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviours.
Trichotillomania is a hair-pulling disorder, where someone can’t resist the urge to
Have you ever heard of Trichotillomania? Let me rephrase that, have you
If I say Walking Stick what do you think? Let’s Normalise Disability
Sensory Matters Podcast
Free Sensory Support Community
Can Chewigems Help Keep Your Teeth Clean?