We all know how frustrating it is when a school doesn’t understand your child’s needs. So here are our top 15 fastest strategies to get School to understand your child’s sensory needs. Whether it be the need for sensory aids, regular breaks, stimming or 1-2-1 support. You know your child will benefit from having these things to help them and it will level the playing field for them… but school just cannot see it.
Well, worry no more, we have gathered the top 15 fastest strategies to get school to understand your child’s sensory needs!
#1: The Trick To Getting Your Child’s School To Allow Sensory Supports!

As we are all aware, children are going back to school after the COVID19 lockdown. Children will need a lot of help adjusting to this “new normality”. The fact is that this will be even more true for kids who struggle with change or transitions.
One thing that can help these kids are anxiety aids in the form of Chewigems Lots of kids need sensory aids, but with the justified fear of COVID and spreading germs, schools are just saying NO!
Here is the trick to getting your child’s school to allow sensory supports! It has to be one of the most essential blogs in this top 15 fastest strategies to get School to understand sensory needs.
Find It Here: The Trick To Getting Your Child’s School To Allow Sensory Supports!
#2: The Quick And Easy Guide To Sanitizing Chewigems!

Some schools are really reluctant to allow Sensory supports into school. They are worried about how to keep them clean and hygienic. Luckily Chewigem is the answer!
We have a step by step guide to sanitizing your Chewigems easily in under 5 minutes!
Find It Here: The Quick And Easy Guide To Sanitizing Chewigems
#3: I’m Going Back To School – A Free Back To School Social Story!

Going back to school after the upheaval of Covid19 can be stressful, ESPECIALLY with the fact that everything is different for the time being.
This social story will help prepare your child for the differences that they will encounter in school and let you explain it in a simple way with lots of visual cues!
Get your child ready to go back to school without the stress!
Find It Here: I’m Going Back To School – A Free Back To School Social Story
#4: Five Tips For Starting/Going Back To School!

This is a fantastic blog to help you prepare your child so that going back to school after a holiday is a success.
We all know how stressful creating a routine after a Summer or Christmas break can be. This blog is full of amazing, practical tips for you to implement so that that time of year can become a lot easier and stress-free!
Find It Here: 5 Tips For Starting/Going Back To School!
#5: Keeping a Chewing Diary!

Keeping a chewing diary can be a great resource for getting school onboard with your child’s SPD needs. This blog tells you all about how to create one and what to write in it.
The great thing about a chewing diary is it allows you to track when your child chews and what emotions trigger it. This then gives school something tangible to work with when you approach them about using sensory aids in school!
Find It Here: Keeping a Chewing Diary!
#6: Five Ways To Teach Writing To Autistic Students!

This great blog will be really helpful for those parents whose children are just starting school. As we know, all children have different needs and therefore might need different approaches to learning.
One of the most fundamental things that some children with additional needs struggle with is learning to write. This blog is a handy resource for you to hand to your child’s first teacher when you meet them!
Find It Here: 5 Ways To Teach Writing To Autistic Students!
#7: Autism & The Senses!

This blog includes a video of a presentation that was given at the 2019 Autism Show. It had an amazing reception from teachers, most of whom requested a copy for their files.
Find out all about Autism & The 8 Senses, as well as finding out practical tips on how to help someone who is either Hypersensitive or Hyposensitive to each of those respective senses. Once you understand the senses fully… it’s easier to help your child’s school understand them too!
Find It Here: Autism & The Senses!
#8: Back To School Tips For Children With Additional Support Needs!

This blog contains some essential practical tips to help you and your child create routines that will ease the stress of going back to school. Full of some great tips and tricks, this is an essential read for anyone who is worried about their child with additional support needs going back or starting school!
Find It Here: Back To School Tips For Children With Additional Needs!
#9: Five Things You Need To Know About EHCPs!

From September 2014 Education Health Care Plans were being rolled out over a 2-3 year period to replace Statements.
So now everyone should have moved over from a Statement to an EHCP and those who are applying will be applying for an EHCP.
Here are 5 things you need to know about EHCP’s!
Find It Here: 5 Things You Need To Know About EHCPS!
#10: Five Tips For Getting Your Child Ready To Start School!

So far on this list, we have focused on going back to school. So this is a blog for all the first-timers. One of the scariest things for parents is allowing your child to go to school and not being around them for 6 hours. This blog is all about helping you as well as your child to get ready for school for the first time. This blog will ease your mind!
Find It Here: 5 Tips For Getting Your Child Ready To Start School!
#11: Starting School in Nappies? Here’s The Low Down!

One thing that can make you as a parent feel quite isolated and judged can be your child starting school in nappies. Different children train at different ages if your child is starting school in nappies you might be worried about how school will take it. Especially when so many news articles are just calling it lazy parenting. Well, this blog is written by someone who has been there and knows all about it. Find solutions to your worries with this blog!
Find It Here: Starting School in Nappies? Here’s The Low Down!
#12: Five Tips For Approaching School About Sensory Differences!

If school doesn’t understand your child’s sensory differences, it can be hell. They might end up masking all day and letting it all out at home or having meltdowns at school. This is why it’s so important to have a discussion with your child’s school to make sure they do understand. This blog has some great and practical approaches to having that conversation!
Find It Here: 5 Tips For Approaching School About Sensory Differences!
#13: Five Tips For An Easier School Run

One of the cornerstones of a successful day at school is a great school run. If you have a successful way to school then your child is more likely to have a better day during school itself. We all know that school runs can be extremely stressful and that might lead to heightened senses for your child throughout the day. In this blog, you will find great ways to make your school run easier!
Find It Here: 5 Tips For An Easier School Run
#14: Chewing Through An OT’s Eyes!

This podcast with Saskia Grassie has some incredible tips for schools on how to adapt to sensory learners. Saskia is an occupational therapist and this podcast has some of the best advice I’ve ever heard. I wish my school would have done these things for me when I was younger!
Find It Here: Chewing Through An OT’s Eyes
#15: How To Get Schools To Accept Sensory Aids!

Our specialist team (consisting of Katy, Lorraine and Jenny) break down their ways of getting schools to accept sensory aids in this awesome podcast. They also break down special interests and how you can gear them towards your child’s education!
Find It Here: How To Get Schools To Accept Sensory Aids!
We hope that you’ve found these top 15 fastest strategies to get School to understand sensory needs helpful! No one knows your child better than you do. If they need adaptions then your school should listen.
Remember if you need any more support why not join our FREE Sensory Support Group, it’s a great place for like-minded people and a community that doesn’t judge!