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Fed Up Finding Your Kids Chewing Their Clothes?


If you are anything like me then finding your kids chewing their clothes is a daily challenge. So here are a few things we do at our house to help…

Following on from our last blog post 10 Things you don’t want your sensory child to chew … here are 3 things that are okay for your sensory child to chew! (That don’t include chewing their clothes!) Plus 3 great oral activities to try at home!

Instead of your child chewing their clothes they could chew:


Has been proven to increase concentration.

If your child is capable of chewing it without swallowing then Chewing Gum is definitely worth trying.  Available in so many different flavours for different preferences.  Although it may not be acceptable in school it is something you could try in the home environment.

Chewing Gum can be lots of fun!


Can provide a wonderful sensory experience for any sensory child.  First, you have the coldness transferred from hand to mouth and then the suck,  chew crunch sensation.  This is a great activity for an oral sensory seeker.


Here at Chewigem, we provide jewellery designed to meet the need of children & adults with the need to chew.

Non-toxic, stylish, discreet and effective we have a large range of designs, colours and textures to meet that need.

We have a large community of happy customers including my own daughter and we are happy to help find the most suitable solution for your chewing needs.



Sucking thick milkshake or yoghurt through a straw is great for proprioceptive input.  You could try different sized straws, with anything from water to ice cream.  Or put some yoghurt or milkshake in a sports bottle.


Buy a tub of party bubbles or try filling a bowl half full of water and add a squirt of fairy liquid. Give them a long straw and get them to blow until they create a sea of bubbles.  This is so much fun and you could grab a straw and join in too! You can also do this in the bath!


Blowing can help with breath control and building muscle tone, so blowing a whistle can be a great way of channelling this, especially if you have a spitter.

If you get sick of the sound of the whistle swap to blowing a little windmill or even a dandelion.  Keep it fun! You could even try actually learning to whistle!

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