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Everything You Need To Know About Chewing And Oral Stims!

This week on the podcast, The Chew Crew go in-depth into everything you need to know about chewing & oral stims.

Stimming is short for self stimulatory behaviour and chewing is a very important stim. Stimming helps us to stay calm and regulated and helps to regulate our sensory systems.

Whether you’re curious about what chew is right for you, how to get teachers on board, or how to make sure your child chews the right thing… This podcast is the podcast you need!

They also talk about the best way to deal with the summer heat that is still plaguing the UK and how to cope with sunscreen when you have sensory issues!

Get to grips with everything you need to know about chewing & oral stims by listening to the full podcast here:




If you would like to know more about chewing in schools and some great strategies around that why not check out this podcast:

Chewing Through An OT’s Eyes


Don’t forget if you need any more support or have any more questions. Why not join our Sensory Support Group!

We hope you’ve been able to learn more about Everything You Need To Know About Chewing And Oral Stims!

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