Successful Celebrities with ADHD – before revealing 7 incredibly successful people you never knew had ADHD, let’s first do a top-level introduction to what ADHD is.
ADHD (attention Deficit Disorder) is a lifelong condition, a neurodevelopmental condition most commonly picked up and diagnoses in children. More and more people are picking or pursuing a diagnosis in adulthood. There are more men diagnosed with ADHD than women. Men tend to display more ‘obvious’ ADHD signs:
- Hyperactivity
- Difficulty paying attention
- Impulsivity
Women tend to display inattentiveness which is far harder to spot than hyperactivity.
Please note, the above is a generalization, of course, any gender can present in any way.
Living with ADHD and managing it, is no picnic, it’s hard, but if these famous folks are anything to go by, it does not have to hold you back. ADHD can be managed. Here are 7 insanely successful people you never knew had ADHD
Some of these people cite ADHD as the secret to their success, while others have found it a lifelong challenge.

Emma Watson
Another Successful celebrity with ADHD best known for casting spells and being a bit of a geek in the Harry Potter films, Emma has never publicly confirmed her diagnosis, yet many sources say she has been on medication for ADHD since being a child. If this is true she is a shinning, nay, magical example of how ADHD does not have to hold you back.

Will.I.Am has spoken publicly about the challenges of his ADHD diagnosis, but also says he does not medicate, he chooses to use music to help him calm and focus. Whatever he is doing, its working ! A hugely successful and talented musician. We also love it when a celeb makes their diagnosis public as it just aids the awareness and conversation, making the path easier for others.

Mel B
Mel B, Melanie Brown or scary Spice, however, you know her, she has also spoken about her ADHD. She also lists other challenges and she is a fan of using exercise to keep herself regulated.
Paris Hilton
There is no denying the success of Paris Hilton, another celebrity that has helped the conversation by admitting not just her diagnosis but also the fact she medicates to manage it.
Justine Timberlake
What I love the most about Justine is he admits it is hard, it is hard to live with and he finds it a challenge, but one thing is for sure, it has not held him back.

Johnny Depp
In recent years, Johnny Depp has been in the limelight for all the wrong reasons, but there is no denying his success. His ADHD was revealed by a court case.
Michael Phelps
Lastly on the famous people with ADHD list and you probably know this one! Michael Phelps is was diagnosed as a child and has gone on to win 28 Olympic medals, 23 of which were gold for his swimming.
He has been very open about his ADHD and spoken of his time at school as being difficult, how he was told he would never amount to anything and how he struggled to stay on task.
His mum was a huge support and encouraged him into the pool, where he was able to use the routine to focus, combined with medication he has gone on to be a massive success. When he retired from swimming he was the most decorated Olympian of all time!

Tools to Help
Many people with ADHD find movement, fidgeting or chewing a huge help when needing to regulate or stay on task. Check out our range as we have something for everyone.