So we all know that mental health is important right? Good mental health is just as vital as good physical health, and one can really affect the other.
But how do we achieve it?
This is often a complicated question, but that’s why we’ve created 12 pieces of content on taking back control of your mental health!
How To Help Children Take Back Control Of Their Mental Health!
1. Child And Adolescent Mental Health – The Facts!

We are going to start at the very beginning and give you the statistics and facts that you need to know before trying to help your child’s mental health. It can be hard to know where to start when trying to help your child with their mental health – this will give you a base to start from and grow!
Find It Here: Child And Adolescent Mental Health – The Facts!
2. Child Mental Health Difficulties are Rising at an Alarming Rate. What Can We Do to Slow it Down?

So now that you’ve got the basics let’s talk about children’s mental health issues and why they are rising at an alarming rate. Many people have different theories about this, is it technology? Modern life? Are children just unhappy?
This blog looks at these theories and gives suggestions at what we can do to help our children achieve good mental health!
Find It Here: Child Mental Health Difficulties are Rising at an Alarming Rate. What Can We Do to Slow it Down?
3. The Best Ways To Help Your Child With Their Mental Health

Wow, that was quite a bit reading, let’s break it up with some listening! In this podcast, Lorraine and Jenny talk a lot about children’s mental health and how it might present. You will find out everything you need to know about the signs that your child might be struggling with their mental health in this podcast!
Find It Here: The Best Ways To Help Your Child With Their Mental Health
4. Dealing With Anxiety When Going Back To School

One of the primary triggers for children that will lead to a lot of anxiety is going back to school. This blog is written by one of those children. It gives you their perspective on how to deal with this anxiety. After all, what better way to find out about anxiety than through someone to lives with it.
Find It Here: Dealing With Anxiety When Going Back To School
5. How Young Carers Helped Me

Sometimes young people need a place to vent and let everything out, and it can improve their mental health exponentially. Find out how young carers helped this young person with their mental health now!
Find It Here: How Young Carers Helped Me
6. Understanding Emotions
It can be tough for someone to regulate their emotions if they don’t understand or can’t identify them. This downloadable resource is perfect for people who struggle to understand their feelings.
Find It Here: Understanding Emotions
How Adults Can Take Back Control Of Their Mental Health!
7. Self-Harm, A Journey – One Man’s Story

Self-Harm is still quite a taboo subject within society. Here’s one man’s story with self-harm struggles and what helps them not do it. It’s an essential blog full of fantastic strategies to promote good mental health.
Find It Here: Self-Harm, A Journey – One Man’s Story
8. Eight Fantastic Tips For Beating The Blue Monday Blues

So depending on when you read this, Blue Monday is over, but this blog is still relevant to general mental health! It has fantastic tips for dealing with mental health, as well as looking at warning signs that you might be struggling with your mental health.
Find It Here: Eight Fantastic Tips For Beating The Blue Monday Blues
9. Calm Boxes – What are they? What to put in them? How do they help?

Calm boxes are a fantastic way to help you regulate your emotions and promote good mental health. But what exactly are they and what goes in them? How do they even help? Check out this blog to find out the life-changing effects of calm boxes!
Find It Here: Calm Boxes – What are they? What to put in them? How do they help?
10. Therapy Animals – How My Cat Helps Me And Amazing Cat Facts!

Animals are a great easer of anxiety. They are fantastic at calming us and making us feel joy. Here is how Lorraine’s Cat helps with her mental health!
Find It Here: Therapy Animals – How My Cat Helps Me And Amazing Cat Facts!
11. Addiction Theory, An Explanation with Lorraine Scott Young (Sensory Matters #36)

This podcast is all about links. How self-harm can be linked to addiction and OCD. Lorraine has struggled with some of these issues and has used CBT to help her… Find out how now!
Find It Here: Addiction Theory, An Explanation with Lorraine Scott Young (Sensory Matters #36)
12. Five Self Care Tips
Self Care is critical. However, it’s easy to think about and harder to do. That’s why we have created this fantastic video to give you some simple ways to help you with your self-care!
Find It Here: Five Self Care Tips
We hope that this blog has helped you find ways to take back control of your mental health. If you need any extra support or just fancy a chat, why not consider joining our Facebook Sensory Support Group!
Other places you can get support include: